拜肉教徒:船上片單。無聊到炸,中餐厅第三季原本為Jack Nicholson看的,中餐厅第三季就是一個退休老人努力洗心革面但還是失敗、煩人老人家電影。
考拉君的色拉酱: Michael’s last part is a little bit forced…other than that, it’s quite good season, It’s just hurting that Jimmy took a year to remorse this lost, pretending he didn’t care, but he did, and then, boom, at the end of this season, he abandoned his past to become this Saul Goodman. And, Kim, both independent and supportive, ideal woman figure.
巫小花:编导车祸得如此彻底 其他地方再努力着补也没用 更不用提更灾难的表演了 就宋宁峰还行吧